MCQs Operating System ( Multiple Choice Objective Type Question Answer Computer Science)

1. Which of the following is a single-user operating system ?

Answer : C) MS Dos

2. When a process is in a “Blocked” state waiting for some I/O service. When the service is completed, it goes to the ……….

Answer : D) Ready state

3. Out of these page replacement algorithms, Which one suffers from Belady’s anomaly ?

Answer : B) FIFO

4. Banker's algorithm is used ?

Answer : A) To prevent deadlock

5. The Virtual memory is

Answer : A) An illusion of a large main memory

6. Which scheduling policy is most suitable for a time-shared operating systems ?

Answer : B) Round Robin

7. Dirty bit for a page in a page table

Answer : A) helps avoid unnecessary writes on a paging device

8. Thrashing

Answer : C) implies excessive page I/O

9. The ………. program initializes all aspects of the system, from CPU registers to device controllers and the contents of main memory, and then starts the operating system.

Answer : A) Bootstrap

10. What is the objective of multiprogramming ?

Answer : C) To increase CPU utilization

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